1. index

  • 1. index
  • Links to sections of the page.

  • 2. introduction
  • Background and overview of Albhan.

  • 3. phonology
  • Descriptions of sounds and phonological processes of Albhan. Sound charts are presented in the International Phoenetic Alphabet (IPA); most unfamiliar characters can be found on ipachart.com, or by copy-pasting the character into a search bar.

  • 4. orthography
  • Unfinished section: description of the corvish writing system.

  • 5. morphosyntax
  • Descriptions of how words and sentences are formed in Albhan. Combined 'morphology' and 'syntax' since Corvish is polysynthetic & the two are closely related.

  • 6. lexicon
  • Essentially a dictionary, sometimes including etymology.

2. introduction

3. phonology

labial dental alveolar palatal velar uvular glottal
stop b ṭ ḍ k g q
fricatives ɸ [β] s [ʃ] [ɕ] [ʝ] [ɣ] ʕ h
affricates ʦ ʣ
sonorants m n ɳj ŋ
liquids ṛḷ ʀ
approximants w j
Front Central Back
High i [ʉ] ɯ [u]
Close [ʏ]
Open ɜ ʌ [ɔ]
Low æ ɑ

4. orthography

5. morphosyntax

6. lexicon