I found this bag on Tumblr made by this cosplay artist I've been following for years:

The creator is Archerinventive and her Etsy shop is under the same name.
It is... more expensive than I should be spending, especially since I'm moving in a few months and need to have my wisdom teeth taken out but... it's so pretty. Also handmade! And leather so it will last! In the cons column, I probably won't use it suuuper often because it's kind of flashy but imagine wearing this to ren fairs??? I'm giving myself til the end of the day to decide. Actually i would take longer, but she's not making them after today sooo I'm kind of pressed for time. It is like 1/5th of my monthly income. but..... ok im not making a very good case for myself here.
In other news, touring an apartment on Monday. Rent would be ~$40/mo more than what I'm paying now but utilities would be a lot cheaper. Perhaps not $40/mo cheaper but probably around there. Walking distance from a library too. Hope it works out!
I'm trying to think of the best way to organize this blog section. Presently it's all on this one page in reverse chronological order, with newest posts at the top. At the end of March I plan to archive it and move it to a new page /archive/march2024, where if one clicks on the archive link at the top of this page they'll be brought to a list of archived months. A prev/next button could be fun to have but I'm not sure how much use it would find for me. On the off chance anyone with experience making their own blog in html is reading this, lemme know your ideas.
Signing off on these feels weird because they're pretty much just to myself so I'm not going to do that. May fungalore hear your wish