I am very bad at consistency but here we are.
Saw Mitski for the first time with my lovely friend Nico in the gorgeous Shrine Theater in LA. I want to see her here at Red Rocks too but tickets were so expensive, so it's probably a no. But maybe.... It rained almost the whole time we were in LA which would normally be great for me if not for it making us miss out on some beach time. Also we went to a bar called the Lighthouse Inn where the jazz bar scene in La La Land was filmed and got two double gin and tonics... which came out to fifty-two fucking dollars. So, LA is not for me.

I would say overall the experience of going to that place was worth it, but if I had known how fucking expensive it would be I wouldn't have ordered a double.

Before the show there was a giant red sheet concealing the center stage which I assumed Mitski would be standing behind, but during the first song (which was a jaunty folk version of "Everyone" from Laurel Hell) she just walked out from back stage, later stepping behind the curtain to do a fun little sillhouette thing.

During"My Love is Mine All Mine" a gorgeous metal hanging sculpture, the pieces of which looked kind of like bits from the cover art for TLIIASAW came down.
It was a gorgeous concert. I feel like I was trying really hard to enjoy it which kind of took away from my enjoyment. My first time in years going to a seated concert too which was different. The girls in the row in front of us were singing so loud during "Nobody" that it was hard to hear Mitski. Also one of them had dragged along her boyfriend who seemed completely uninterested. It was a funny contrast to the three girls sitting to his left who were holding hands and like rocking the whole row back and forth. Good for them.
I've been trying to write a page per day on the fic I'm working on. My therapist suggested that I try smaller writing projects so I took swings at poetry and short one-shots again, but found that just splitting up the work into quantized manageable chunks does a great deal. The plot is ripped at least 50% from Sing Street which is my second favorite movie, but it's just a fanfic and I am writing this primarily to get experience writing so I'm not too concerned about that. Plus I feel like most people haven't seen that flick. If you haven't go watch it.
I also restructured how my blog works today. I was going to have all the posts from each month on one page, but that made for some container weirdness + difficult readability. Now it is structured reverse chronologically with nav buttons at the top (and i might put some at the bottom later?) and fleshed out the archive page so that if i'm looking for a specific post it's easier to find. This involved me making new "newest.html" and "oldest.html" redirect pages, so apologies if that's annoying. Not that anyone but me is reading this, but if you ever come across a broken link or if you are using a screen reader and the way i've structured my pages is making it difficult to navigate, my email and tumblr are in the footer so just let me know.
Hope you can see the eclipse well from wherever you are. I'm in Denver so it's gonna be pretty half-hearted here, but I got to see a really good one last year and a total in 2017 (strangely on my first ever day of college, which was kind of foreboding. Should've taken the warning).
Edit 09Apr24: Today (08Apr24) was also Nico's birthday (pictured at top) Happy birthday Nico!